3D CAD Drawings from Space Data, In few seconds & Fraction of the Cost
If 30 cm is enough resolution for your mapping, inspection, biodiversity or measurement projects, you don’t have to hire a drone company or site survey! With Space Tech, you can have 3D models & DEM mapping in few seconds & fraction of the costs!
This is how it works:
Inputs from client: Coordinates of Point of interest
Process:: At least 3 available satellites imagery with different off-nadir angles (0-10 deg & 12.5-15 deg), calculate dimensions taking into account Off-Nadir angles, sun- elevation angle, Resolution, Pixels, Orbit, Local azimuth angle, Capture date etc.
Combining images captured at different Off Nadir Angles is used to produce stereo imagery. In this case, an area of interest is collected from two or more angles and delivered as a single set of data to give an incredibly accurate elevation dataset and minimise hidden features. If the target is captured from three angles, it’s called tri-stereo imagery.

The resulting images are used to produce a Digital Elevation Model – DEM. The more images with different ONAs you can use to create the model, the more accurate the data is. At CAVU, we use imaging from two (stereo), three (tri-stereo), or even more angles (multi-stereo) to achieve best estimations we can have.

Outputs: Dimensions, 2D & 3D models in several formats (.dwg, .dxf, .3ds, .obj, .ply, .fbx, .glb, .dae, .svg, .abc, .tiff)

Space data suppliers:
MAXAR https://www.maxar.com/
LandInfo https://landinfo.com/
Planet https://www.planet.com/